Eva Knickenberg-Giardina
Eva is licensed as a Rechtsanwältin in Germany and Avvocato in Italy, and has been a partner since 2020. She is managing partner for the 2024–2026 three-year period.
She assists foreign groups and companies with their business in Italy, as well as Italian companies planning to make investments abroad. A native German speaker, she has many years of international experience with regard to investments in Italy and Germany and a solid understanding of differences in regulations, the market, and mentalities in the two countries.
She mainly provides consultation in commercial and corporate law, as well as litigation with a focus on product liability and industrial claims, including for insurance companies.
Over the years, Eva has assisted several German companies with their entry into the Italian market, especially due to her former role as head of the legal and tax department at the Italian-German Chamber of Commerce in Milan (AHK Italien). She held this position from 1993 to 1999, during which time she also served as deputy director of the Chamber.
Eva is a member of the International Law Working Group of the German Bar Association (Deutscher Anwaltverein) and the Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA).
She regularly attends international conferences as a speaker.
Practice Areas
Saarland University, Saarbrücken
University of Cologne, Cologne
First state examination, Court of Appeals, Cologne, 1988
Second state examination, Justizministerium des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf, 1991
Lawyer specializing in International Economic Law (Fachanwältin für Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht) at Rechtsanwaltskammer Stuttgart, 2016
Licensed to practice law in Germany and Italy
Since 2021, Eva has been a member of the Camera degli Avvocati Internazionalisti (International Chamber).
Eva offers legal advice and assistance in German, Italian, and English